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Central Drug Research Institute (cdri) Tenders

Get all current Central Drug Research Institute (cdri) Tenders. TendersOnTime is a online e Tender information provider company, helping business across globe in finding business opportunities. Tenderers can search, view and download Central Drug Research Institute (cdri) Tenders for free.

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Deadline: {{rowDetails.Bid_Deadline_1}}


TOT Ref. No.: {{rowDetails.ID}}

Value: ₹ {{rowDetails.purchaser_value}}

EMD: ₹ {{rowDetails.purchaser_emd}}

TOT Ref. No.: {{rowDetails.ID}} ,  Deadline: {{rowDetails.Bid_Deadline_1}}

Value: ₹ {{rowDetails.purchaser_value}} ,  EMD: ₹ {{rowDetails.purchaser_emd}}

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Tenderers can find upcoming projects information from Public Procurement Regulatory Authorities, Public Procurement Board and Procurement Gazette.